The Three C’s of Customer Loyalty

The best thing for a company is to have customers who come back to buy their product again and again. But how does one develop that customer loyalty? To answer this, Dorie Clark wrote about the three C’s to Customer Loyalty: Content, Character, and Community.


Similar to something you would hear in a class with Professor Powell, content has to do with a focus on your core competency. A company needs to know what they do, and do that well first. That market, as their moneymaker and area of expertise, is what makes or breaks a company first and foremost.


As discussed in a previous post, character is similar to trust. When a customer can see the character of a company and rely upon them to consistently deliver, they have won a customer for years to come. Therefore, developing strong character within a company should be a big focus.


Developing a community for consumers allows them to see another side of business – at that point, it is no longer just about how great the product is or whether or not it fits the buyers needs. It now becomes the experience. Did they feel their needs were met? Were their complaints adequately taken care of? Do they have other people around them who also love this product? Creating an environment where consumers can thrive together is the final clincher to what a consumer wants in a buying experience.

Give customers these three things – Content, Community, and Character – and you will have loyal customers for years to come.

One thought on “Customer Loyalty in Sales”
  1. I find the idea of character that you pointed out to be very important because not only does it create trust, which is essential to sales, but it also gives you many loyal customers for years and years.

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