In today’s modern world, just because a sale is made, doesn’t mean it can’t be reversed. One of the biggest ways to lose a sale after it has been made is simply through bad customer service. People who are having a problem with a problem with a product will usually seek the aid of someone who works at the product’s company. If the customer service proves to be just as difficult as it is to use the product, many customers will simply forego the use of the product and simply return it.

Amazon is a good example of a “Customer first” model. Much of what Amazon does is done with the consumer in mind. Many times, I myself have reached out to report an issue with a product I received, stating that I don’t need or want anything from them and that I only wanted to report it, and have received an apology with in-store credit to use on a future purchase.

Good customer service makes the consumer feel wanted, valued, and taken care of, instead of a wallet walking around looking for something to buy. If the customer service is bad, then chances are I’ll just return the product and take my money somewhere else.

One thought on “Customer Service”
  1. I agree that customer service is a very important part of sales and making relationships. Even after a sale is complete you should not forget about customer service because this could affect you future sales. Whether it is by not getting that customer to come back to you or that customer tells people about your poor customer service.

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