Customer service, it has become apparent that the way customers are treated has a huge impact on whether they will buy from you or not, especially if you are working on commission. It is known that 86% of people would stop supporting a business if they had a poor customer service experience. On the other hand, it is known that customers will spend more money if they have a good customer service experience and will also return because of the welcoming feeling that they get. Customer service may be hard sometimes, especially if the customer is not pleasant with you, but I have found some key skills that will help people with customer service skills.

For customer service, you must be patient yet attentive, unless the customer says otherwise. Sometimes the customers are not sure of what they want and will take some time to decide, but if you stay attentive and show that you are there for any questions they have, it will show you care about them and their experience. When speaking with them about products, communicate clearly with them, do not give a lot of “fluff” to try and sound smarter, because most times, that does not work. Make sure when communicating though, to always be positive and use pleasant language with the customer. Being able to read the customers body language is also a good skill to have, it will allow you to know what the customer is thinking and be able to help them better.

These are some of the main skills I believe most people should possess if working in customer service. If you do not greet customers with good customer service skills, then I feel as if it is doing a disservice to yourself, the customer, and the organization that you work for.,documentation%20for%20self%2Dservice%20support.

One thought on “Customer Service”
  1. I agree that you must be patient and attentive. You want to focus on answering any questions they have and try to solve their problems that they bring to you. Customer service is a very important part of sales because it can give the buyer a misconception of the company/product of customer service is poor.

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