Image result for zumiez salespeople


As kids, we all heard the expression that an animal is “more afraid of you than you are of it.” This expression can actually be used in sales in the retail world. With my experience as a buyer in a store, I always feel extremely intimidated by the salespeople that would instantly come up to me. I just hoped that they leave me alone and I look down the instant I walk into the entrance.

Dealing with people is scary, especially when we do not know them. I personally know that the most effective sales people were those who did not greet me initially as I walk in. When I first enter a store, my defenses are up. I don’t listen to anything the salespeople say. However, I noticed that I’m much more open to talking with salespeople once I’ve been in the store for a little while and the salespeople weren’t jumping at the first opportunity to tell me about their BOGO sale of the day.

The people most likely to convince me on buying things are those who casually talk to me as I’m trying new clothes on or looking around the clearance section. If they speak to me like I’m a person and not a prospect, I feel like I’m more willing to listen and converse with them. Although waiting a beat and starting a causal conversation might be stepping out of your comfort zone and take some time, I guarantee you that it is much more effective.

One thought on “Dealing with Fear”
  1. This is a great personal view on retail sales, thanks for sharing! I completely agree, I am more open to asking for help or hearing about the daily deals when the employee treats me like a friend instead of a customer. Everyone in the situation feels awkward, it is a vicious cycle.

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