All this talk about sales reminded me of a deal I once saw when I was younger.

Here we see a young Ariel who, desiring legs, making a deal with Ursula. Is this a kids movie? Maybe. Maybe not. But there is a large sales conversation going on throughout this musical scene. This movie begins in the ocean, so it is only fitting that we watch this through the lens of the… Sandler Submarine.

We know that Ursula is the villain, but setting that aside, this is a sales conversation (whether this an ethical or moral one is another point entirely). She addresses Ariel’s pain and provides her with a way to fulfill her needs. Next, Ursula talks to Ariel about her budget. Everything, it seems, comes with a price.

The cost of legs apparently is Ariel’s voice. An odd form of payment for the hopes of winning a man, but I digress. Ursula eventually closes the deal, however, there are many areas of this sales conversation that falls flat. For example, the contract which she signs was not as forward as it could have been and definitely did not have the customer in mind.  And you can forget about the post-sale entirely (let’s admit it, there was never going to be a post-sale).

It should suffice to say that when having any sales conversation one should keep in mind the other person’s well being as well as making the terms and conditions of any deal as clear as possible. Also, don’t make deals with sea witches. That is all.

One thought on “Do we have a deal?”
  1. Great illustration using a movie and characters that I am sure many of us are familiar with. Explaining sales concepts with cartoons and real life applications is certainly far more interesting than explaining sales concepts with a textbook!

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