In part 4 of my “sales in cinema,” series we will examine one of the greatest examples of going for the no. Unlike my previous examples of sales savages, which took place in the financial services industry,  this example of sales excellence comes from the wild world of advertising and showcases the wildly popular character of Donald Draper. In season 1 episode 8 we find Draper in a meeting with Belle Jolie Lipstick during this scene Draper sits in silence and watches the decision-makers of Belle Jolie fail to understand the pitch that is presented for them. Instead of allowing the pitch to fail and the company lose this client, Draper stands up and thanks the clients for their time. This immediately throws the clients off of their game and you can clear as day see them beg Draper to sit back down and continue with the pitch. Draper uses biblical analogies to make it clear to the Belle Jolie clients that they will have to keep an open mind if he is to continue with his pitch. He finishes his statement by alerting the client that he will not be wasting his time on a client that will not allow his company to do their job. This scene does an excellent job of examining the power balance that occurs in a sales meeting. you can find this scene at this link.

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