The title of this post may seem out of place for a sales blog, however, it is an important concept to grasp in sales. So often, the focus in sales is on making the sale, rather, it should be on understanding if it will be a good fit for the prospective client. If the client gets sold on something they do not need, there will not be a good long-term relationship that stems from it.

Long-term relationships in sales stem from ethical behavior on the part of the salesperson, and continuing business on the side of the client. Also, long-term relationships in sales often provide the highest amount of referrals for the salesperson, which is another real source of income.

When working in sales, reputation is everything. If people know you as someone who just focuses on making the sale and moving on, that will not be good for your business, and if often not a sustainable way to make it in sales. However, if people know you as someone who can help someone evaluate if they would really benefit from what you offer, then your business will grow organically and you’ll have a much more steady life income-wise.

This is why in some cases, sales people should say, don’t buy our product.


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