It was always a pleasure to hear Evan Addams speak through my time in different classes here at Grove City College, so I figured I would listen to another show he was on from L3 Leadership, where he talks about his app No Wait being bought out by Yelp.

Some of the biggest points that Addams made in the podcast and as a guest speaker is that there is no such thing as an overnight success. While he and his partners worked hard to get where they did, they always knew that they would be able to get big somehow. With that being said, you cannot let your ego get in the way of being a leader, you have to stay true to yourself and be able to admit fault when it comes about. Part of this is knowing that what gets you to the point of selling your business for a lot of money, will not always work in the same way with another business. With each venture started, not everyone is the same and each has to be tended to differently. Another thing is that even though you may be good at creating products, that does not mean that you will be able to raise money or sell the product. Sometimes people are great at being inventors but are not able to sell products efficiently and effectively, or maybe not even at all. Sales can be a hard task for some people, and it is important not to define yourself whether sales go through or not. There could be an issue of if you are in the correct market or not, sometimes you have to speak to prospective buyers and be able to adapt and overcome. There could also be the issue of you trying to sell your product rather than fixing the problem that your product solves; in sales it is all about perception.

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