Since my junior year in high school, I have worked in a restaurant doing multiple things. I got the job because the owner of the restaurant is a close family friend. Over the years, it has been interesting to see what my friends dad is like while interacting with customers. The owner is all about the customers and their needs. He is extremely social and extraverted when it comes to the customers. He does an amazing job making the customers remember who he is. Not only do the customers remember the owner, but the owner remembers who the customers are. For example, if John Doe’s son plays basketball, or if Mary Jane went on an exciting vacation with her family, the owner would remember that and ask them about it in the future. He connects with the customers very well. I believe that this is one of the contributors to the restaurant being so successful and growing over the past five years.

When I was beginning the job, I believed that all I was going to be doing was working at a cashier or in the kitchen and wouldn’t have very many valuable experiences. But learning from the owner, and understanding how to connect with customers has been extremely beneficial. I have been able to connect experiences to what we are learning in class, and that could help me in the future as well.

3 thoughts on “Experiences in Sales in a Restaurant”
  1. Hearing about the genuineness of the business owner is a breath of fresh air! It is also interesting to note that he is very extroverted as supposed to an ambivert. I’m sure he is able to adjust well to the different types of customers. Nice post!

  2. If I ever run my own business, I hope to be like the owner you’re talking about. It is so cool to see a “family” formed through places like restaurants. The community vibe that comes from an environment like this is so cool and can only draw more people in! Thanks for sharing about your experience, I’ll have to visit that place soon!

  3. Families connect with customers so much more effectively than any sales force, in my opinion. Your post proves how something a seemingly insignificant as running the cash register can be a platform to connect with your target audience.

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