It is a common misconception that those who are extraverts are “better” at sales than those who are introverts. This is not necessarily true, as everyone operates differently and each personality type has its pros and cons. Extraverted people at a first glace have an advantage, being more outgoing and typically better with meeting new people. While it is true that extraverted people are certainly more outgoing, that doesn’t automatically make them better salespeople than others. Being outgoing can be both a blessing and a curse because outgoing can quickly evolve into overbearing and hyperactive. This can lead to the client to feel uncomfortable and even offended, putting the sale in jeopardy. On the contrary, introverted people have advantages and disadvantages as well. While not being as open to introducing themselves to strangers and being more timid typically, they have the advantage of being reserved. Like extraverts, this trait can be taken too far and ward off a prospect by seeming uninterested or someone who does not know what they’re talking about. Although each personality type has its strengths and weaknesses, each type has the potential to be just as good of a salesperson as the other.

4 thoughts on “Extraverts vs Introverts”
  1. i like what you have to say. I have seen a lot of people saying extroverts are better, which isn’t always true. There are plenty of opportunities for introverts be better.

  2. I’m always impressed by an introverts ability to observe and listen, internalize the information they gather, and then make insightful comments. I’m an extrovert, and I’m really working on being more introspective and empathetic. I think it’s something that comes more naturally to introverts, but it’s been rewarding to try to grow in that. Thanks for sharing Alec!

  3. I’m glad to know that virtually everybody has the ability to be a great sales person. And once I learned that it started to make sense because whenever I encounter an outgoing salesperson who’s pushy I wish they would be more laid back, which goes to show how introverts may be more effective at selling than extroverts in certain situations.

  4. Very true! It’s easy to get hung up on terms and ideas like introvert and extrovert but the reality is every person is going to bring their own strengths and challenges to the table regardless of personality type.

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