Most people do not enjoy going out their comfort zone. People enjoy the routine and the comfort of the same old. Now a days it is so easy to hop online and see the rich, the famous, the happy couples, the athletes, the list just goes on and on. Social media shows all the winning and success of people but not the struggle and the failure….

              Everyone has a story of pain and failings, but why does social media only focus on the success? There is way more value and knowledge in failing then succeeding. People learn to grow, to work harder, and learn lessons. Failure is just another term for a hard lesson. There is not enough attention on people’s stories of failure and the positivity behind failing.

              Inherently people fear failure and rejection, this causes a lot of people to never really reach their full potential in life. Same goes for sales, people really hate sales because you must put yourself out there and sales involves a lot of rejection. Failure is just a natural part of any sales experience, but this fear of rejection in sales can really make or break a business.

              I do not enjoy talking to random strangers and I hate selling my business to people. My business partner and I have received endless no’s and endless criticism, but we do not just close our doors. We take the failure and see where we can grow and what we learned. No one can take business rejection personally because you can use it as a tool to do better.

              We live in a very fearful society but people who fail the most go the farthest. Rejection is good, failure is good and there needs to be a more positive attitude towards failings. Selling is so vital to business and just everyday life because you must sell yourself and other things. Failure is necessary because without failure no one would learn the necessary tools to be successful.

One thought on “Failure is Success.”
  1. In physical training, there’s a concept called overload, where you progressively expose yourself to more and more challenging stimuli in order to continue growth. I believe that the concept applies equally well to mental and emotional endeavors. Training to the point of failure means you are about to experience some serious growth!

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