Do you ever feel like you really need something to happen for you? It could be that you need a job really badly or try to convince your parents that you need to go on a trip with your friends. When you put yourself in these type of situations it is best not to act very needy. Think about it the other way around. If your sibling asks you to pick them up from their friends house and they keep begging for you to pick them up later, would you want to do that for them? I know for sure I would not. When reading The Sandler Rules by David Mattson, he brings up a rule about sales that resembles these situations that is rule number 40: Fake It ‘Til You Make It. Mattson talks about how it is not ok for salesman to act needy. This can be sensed by a prospect and make them not want to do business with the salesman. This neediness to make the sale is often times related to money or something to move you up in the chain of your company. Mattson says that it is ok to want the sale but not ok to need the sale. Be relaxed and genuine when selling to people. This will calm your demeanor down and make sure that you are not giving off any body language that would make people think you are needy. But you may ask, what if the salesman is actually needy. This is where rule number 40 comes in, fake it til you make it. If you do really need the sale, it is best to make sure in your head that you do not seem needy. Tell yourself almost lies, like, “I do not need the money from this sale and am financially secure.” Telling yourself these things will often times calm you down and make the selling process more relaxed and transparent. Make it so that the prospect knows that the sales conversation is to benefit the both of them and to make sure their is a good fit, no pressure.

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