What traits make a good salesperson? What, from a buyer’s perspective makes a salesperson look approachable and friendly? According to Impactbnd.com (article link at the bottom), 5 simple character traits make a salesperson appear likable. With these traits, they refine a salesman to appear less manipulative, and more likable to the buyer:

Being a Good Listener: This trait means focusing entirely on the buyer. Being a good listener shows that the salesperson actually cares about what is best from the buyer. By listening, the salesperson reduces his/her power, and in doing so, they actually build a better relationship with the buyer, thus has a greater influence on his/her buying decision.

Providing Context: It is important that the salesperson provides as much information to the buyer as possible. If all the information that is needed is given, the buyer will build trust with the salesperson. This gives the salesperson the upper hand, as the buyer will trust that it is the best decision for them to buy what is being sold.

Being “Transparent”: The article describes this as “eliminating the fine print”. If a salesperson is upfront about everything that is happening in the sale including the total price, it will make him/her appear genuine and authentic. This is another way of creating trust between the salesperson and the buyer. Telling the buyer exactly how it is makes them trust that the salesperson is a non-manipulative and truthful person.

Being Accessible: If a salesperson is accessible to the buyer, he/she shows the trust found in being transparent in his/her actions. If you want to prove something, it is best to prove it through actions, not words. When a salesperson appears to be transparent through conversations, it builds a temporary layer of trust with the buyer. However, when the salesperson is readily available to the buyer when they need them and maintain a solid relationship with the buyer, they are now proving their trustworthiness through their actions. Trust built upon solid relationships is trust that will last long-term, and to a salesperson, reap the most profits.

Being “Ambiverted”: Ambiverted is a term that is used to describe the ability to swap between being an introvert and an extrovert depending on the circumstances. At times, the salesperson needs to shut up and listen to the customer; other times, the salesperson may need to be outgoing, filling in the gaps where conversation pauses. It is important for a salesperson to be able to read the buyer, and from that reading determine if they will be more introvertive or extrovertive.

If a salesperson were to maintain all five of these traits in every sale, the buyer would feel completely comfortable talking with them. An easy way for a salesperson to keep all of these traits every time they are on a sale, is wrapped up into one element that all of these traits revolve around: focusing entirely on the buyer. If the salesperson focuses completely on what is best for the buyer and his/her preferences, the buyer will recognize and develop a sense of trust with the salesperson. This is crucial to every sale as no sale will ever be made if there is no trust at hand. If a salesperson focuses entirely on the buyer, all five of the traits listed above will be kept, and the chances of making the sale are much higher.

Article Link: https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/5-likeable-traits-of-a-modern-salesperson

6 thoughts on “Five Traits that Make a Successful Salesperson”
  1. I think the ambiverted trait is interesting to possess, since it is somewhat inherent – either you are an ambivert or not. What makes this a trait is the ability to “chameleon” into characteristics that are toward the middle of the spectrum instead of too far in either the extraverted or introverted direction.

  2. These are awesome tips, thanks for sharing! A lot of them are very similar to what we have gone over in class so they must be pretty accurate. I like what you said at the end that when we keep the buyer in mind, usually the 5 concepts come naturally – great point!

  3. I think these qualities are necessary for a good sales person. Most people lose sight of the factor of being a good listener and how that is so important within the sales world. It doesn’t matter how good of a sales person you are if you can’t listen to the customer’s needs.

  4. These are all important characteristics in sales. Being “ambiverted” is something that I find super interesting, because I definitely feel that is how I would describe myself. People have thought of me to be very outgoing as I was growing up, but as I get older I find myself straddling the middle of introvert and extrovert, making myself an ambivert for sure.

  5. I think being transparent is one of the most important traits. The reason being is that trust is one of the most important requirements for a successful sales relationship, being transparent with your client is a great way to establish trust!

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