I read an article on Forbes that was titled “The Five Sales Tactics Every Entrepreneur Must Master.” I was planning on writing about all five, but the first one really just hit me, and it is “forget what you’re selling.”

The first thing I thought about when I read that was everything that Professor Sweet has talked to us about this semester so far. It is all about connecting with the customer so deeply that you forget what you’re even trying to sell. The customer wants what they want, and the salesperson is only there to comfort them in their decision. This article also talks about how entrepreneurs get too enthralled in their product and can’t see anything else but their “baby.” The relationship that is created between the seller and the customer is just as important or more important than the sale itself.

This is all about relationships, and if there is anything that I have learned from this sales class so far, is that relationships in sales is SO important, and this tactic really just hit that home.


Image result for business relationship

By ellifry

One thought on “Forget What You’re Selling”
  1. When I first saw your title, I figured this was a “what not to do” post – don’t forget what you’re selling! But this really does fit right in with what Prof Sweet has been talking about. It’s more about the customer and what they’re looking for than what you’re trying to sell. Great post!

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