The best salespeople employ forward-thinking strategies to close their deals. Even before the deal is considered “closed”, these strategies also empower the customer relationship you try to build with your constituents. Below, you’ll find some top tips on how to think about your sales approach before you even need to do the real thinking for the transaction:

Focus on what you do best

This is a basic strategy employed by the folks at Gallup through their Strength Finder test. Their thought is that if people focus on their “strengths”, or what they do best, they can find real success in how to grow those gifts and employ them in their life. It’s easy to focus on what others do really well, but at times you must remember that you may not be “wired” like they are, so what comes naturally to them may be difficult for you.

Think proactively for the customer

Imagine yourself as the customer. Think about what they go through. Answer their questions before they have them. Doing so will help ease any of the “pain” a customer may face in a sales transaction and more easily facilitate the sale.

Future Thinking

Take a look at your industry and figure out where it’s going. This can help sell new products as a way to gain a competitive advantage over their competition. Aside from that, if they are not ready to adjust for technological change, then they face falling behind. Helping educate your customers on that very fact can help improve their business and help you close the deal.

One thought on “Forward Thinking Sales Strategies”
  1. This is good info. But have you thought about backward thinking where the buyer has to think about the seller? And how their purchase or not purchase might affect the seller later on in its life.

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