This past semester, I have learned a good amount of information and tips about selling and sales. Recently I had put what I had learned into practice and I realized something. That is where the real learning takes place.

You can read and gather all the information you want from taking notes and observing in a class, but the only way to truly master the skill of sales is to practice selling. Get used to failing, and get used to talking to people, because with each encounter you will gain confidence.

Confidence is the only thing you can teach yourself, and it isn’t found in a book or in a lecture. It is out there in the real world.

There you will find your strong points and your weak points, so you can master your strong points and overcome your weakness. One of my struggles is talking about the budget and dealing with price. I have a great opening and discussing what the pain is but once it gets to closing the deal I  get flustered and freeze up. That is the real trick to being a successful salesman/saleswoman. Be confident in who you are and what you sell and get out there.

7 Guaranteed Ways to Boost Your Confidence - Lolly Daskal | Leadership

6 thoughts on “Get Out There and Be Confident”
  1. so much of life is based on confidence it is something that we must learn to succeed. really enjoyed how you brought this to light

  2. Love this! It is so hard to be confident, especially in a sales context!

    Price is such a hard topic to breach, but practice makes perfect!

  3. I loved this post. I agree it is extremely difficult to be confident at times, but if you aren’t confident in what you’re selling or don’t appear to be then the client may be wary.

  4. Like everyone else, I love this post, too! This post reminds me of the importance of buoyancy. Salespeople need to be who they are- not what their job title says they are. If we don’t make a sale, that’s okay! It doesn’t mean we’re less of a person or that we lose some of our value as people. It just means we move on to the next one just as confidently as we approached the first one. Thanks for the post!

  5. This is so true! Confidence is huge in sales, but we also need to act like we don’t know anything. It’s a tricky balance but with practice, it is definitely achievable! Nice post!

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