There are a lot of things you can say about Han solo in the Star Wars movies, but salesman is not normally one of them. You could consider his ability to smuggle a sales tactic of sorts, but those are usually through bribes and so aren’t really considered sales pitches. He starts this conversation off by stating why he is best fit for Ben and Luke’s needs and gains their approval of his business. However, he doesn’t just accept their first reasoning for needing his services. He begins to ask them more and more questions. He pointedly asks about the nature of their expedition and that leads him to the real pain. Luke and Ben need to avoid the Imperials. While Han uses this to get more money out of them for himself this is a great example of asking pointed questions.

Settling for the first thing that a future customer says is not always the best thing for a salesman. There can be a lot happening behind the scenes that you don’t know about unless you ask the right questions. Knowing the full story is the best way to ensure that salesmen really are the best fit for their needs. If Han was unwilling or unable to avoid Imperials and he accepted their deal without knowing what they really wanted, then everyone involved would be in a lot of trouble.

3 thoughts on “Han Solo the Negotiator”
  1. I never quite considered Han Solo as a salesman, so this is a cool approach. One thing that’s interesting is body language. He’s stalling so that he doesn’t get killed towards the end of the video, and he assumes a very unassuming posture while seated. Thanks for the post!

  2. The skills of sales comes up a lot in many places, due to how similar it is to interacting with others in our lives. There are plenty of movies and tv shows where sales skillsets can be found if you can recognize them.

  3. I never saw Han Solo has how you interpreted him, so i think that is a super cool connection. i think this has to do with the way he interacts with others around him. You can really tell he is in control, for the most part, and that even when he’s not he seems like it.

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