Attunement and buoyancy are the first two of the three ABC of Daniel Pinks keys to selling. Pinks says these 3 keys are how to become a successful and effective salesman.

Attunement is the ability to bring ones actions into harmony with other peoples context. It is the ability to understand how to connect with other people and understand what they are saying. This is done by creating trust and social connection with other people. It can be done by working with them not trying to beat them. One of the ways it can be done is for you to gain power by giving power away. It will create trust and a better connection with whoever you are selling to. Change it from professor/ student dynamics to equals. This creates more equal respect between the two parties.

Buoyancy is the next key. Buoyancy is the ability to keep yourself afloat amidst negativity. No matter how good of a salesperson someone is they will get a no. It is inevitable and actually good to get a no. A no shows that there are point to work on to make yourself better. It is very important to be able to learn what went wrong when you get a no. However too many no’s can become very discouraging to the sales person. So they need to find the balance of success and failure to bring them buoyancy. That way they can be an effective salesperson

If sales people can connect these keys together they have the potential to be very good at what they do. Being a good salesperson is not hard but it does take time and it take balance. However contrary to popular belief anyone can become good with just a little bit of practice.

6 thoughts on “How attunement and buoyancy are important to sales”
  1. Attunement and buoyancy are two of the most important concepts in sales. Attunement helps you understand your customers and listen to them better. And buoyancy helps you bounce back after failing and to keep going after bad experiences. But there’s one more concept that’s crucial, clarity. Clarity is important to communicating well with clients and to help identify problems. Good post!

  2. Attunement and buoyancy are important to making your client feel more comfortable around you. I think one of the best ways to understand attunement/buoyancy is through the professor-student analogy. Professors must attune themselves to their students’ needs. Otherwise, their students will not learn. The same is true in sales: we must attune ourselves with the client to connect with them fully.

  3. Attunement and Buoyancy are super important in sales and I am so glad you choose to talk about them ! I also love how you added that being a salesperson takes time and balance because that is super true! Great Post! Love it!

  4. These are two very important points. I love the focus on attunement because it is so important to be in line with what ones customer is thinking and to make sure that their actions are in line with that. Buoyancy is also very important because in sales, rejection is part of the job and as a salesman, letting it get to you is simply foolish.

  5. These are undoubtedly two of the most important aspects of what makes a good salesperson. I love that you talked about how anyone can be a good salesperson, they just have to practice and learn their product or service. Also, I think that all people experience and can empathize with other people’s pain, so if they can learn to connect with others on this pain, then they can have success in sales. Thanks for sharing this article.


  6. Logan, I like your prospective on buoyancy and I agree that it is a key part of life for anyone who whishes to succeed in sales or in any field for that matter. I think people need to keep believing that the next thing that happens will be something good and if it does not happen then they need to move past it and think the next thing will be good.

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