In today’s world of buying and selling much has changed over the years with the advent of the internet. One of the main changes the internet brought about was it allows the buyer to be more informed and come to the sales interaction with access to quick information and an understanding of what they are buying. This prevents salespeople from using old-school sales tactics that involve intentionally misleading the customer or exaggerating the uses or quality of your product to get the sale.

Informed customers have changed the sales dynamic entirely, it is no longer a buyer beware situation it is now a seller beware situation. While some salespeople may see this as a bad thing, I personally think this is a good thing. Even though it might make it more difficult to sell your product it allows your sales to be in good faith and ethical. When you tell the truth and are always honest and straightforward about your product then the customer will appreciate it. If you can be honest and create a relationship with your customers then you guarantee more sales in the future.

I think that there are negative impressions and views on salespeople and that is mainly because of these outdated ideas and tactics that salespeople used to use. If we want to change this perception of our profession then we need to take a newer and more ethical approach to sales.

One thought on “How does the internet change the selling dynamic”
  1. The internet has made sales much more informal but has increased the quantity that people are able to sell. Very interesting read and perspective on the power of the internet.

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