At the end of last semester, if you had asked me about my plans for the summer, I would have listed off half a dozen opportunities I was pursuing, with three in particular I was confidant I could obtain. By the time I was two weeks into this semester, all six of those had fallen through, and I had begun to panic about finding something to do to help pay for my final year of college. I ended up brainstorming some ideas with my parents over spring break, and identified a local start-up to the Toledo area called SkyLIFE Technologies. They have a mission that I feel passionate about, and I decided to put our sales training to the test.

I started by researching the company to gain as much knowledge of the founders and the business as I could. If I was going to convince them that I was passionate about their businesses, I needed to know it as well as possible beforehand. Based off of what I could learn about the primary founder, Jeffery Potter, I mimicked his normal working attire, so as not to over or under dress. After tweaking my resume to focus in on my relevant experiences, I drove over to their headquarters and asked to speak to Mr. Potter. God definitely was smiling on me that day, as I was able to immediately sit down and chat with both the founder and the employee I would be working under for an internship.

Ultimately my preparations paid off, and I was able to guide our conversation immediately towards summer internships. I maintained control over the flow of the conversation until I felt like I had demonstrated my interest in the company, and by the end of an hour long discussion and tour I was offered a paid position for this summer. They stated later that my initiative to meet them in person, and my knowledge of their company had impressed them both.

3 thoughts on “How I Sold Myself (Legally)”
  1. I love this post, because I recently had a similar experience! I’ve been searching for a job when I graduate in a couple months, and having a hard time pursuing leads. I was going to be in FL (this was last week), so I called some companies that didn’t even have any job postings to ask if I could come in and talk with them. I ended up talking to the founder of a premier marketing firm in Vero Beach, and when I left I had a job offer. It pays to research and to sell yourself in person (legally;)!

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