This clip is from a TV show called White Collar. The sales person here is trying to sell this man his service of being his stock broker. This is an example of how not to conduct a sale. As he approached the potential client he was very aggressive and there was no real introduction, the conversation felt very pushed and not natural. Granted he does introduce himself but he doesn’t even try to make a connection with the client. The sales person here just stated all the information he know about the product at the client to try and impress him, in this case it seems to work on the client. In a good sales call the sales person is only supposed to talk for 25 percent of the conversation and the client is supposed to talk for 75 percent, but in this particular example the salesman talked for about 80 percent of the talk. Even when the client did talked, the salesman, who was controlling the conversation, made him fell rushed. Finally, even though it can be hard over a cold call to read the client, the salesman here should have matched the clients mood so that the he felt more at ease. This is the reason why people have a bad taste in their mouth when it comes to sales persons, no genuine personality, pushy, and showing that he is just wanting the sale.

One thought on “How Not to Conduct a Sales Call”
  1. this is a great example of bad sales techniques. Being pushy and aggressive is never a good strategy for building relationships, which is what sales is about.

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