is the #1 CRM (customer resource management system), and is used by companies across the globe. This helps salespeople to manage client relationships effectively and efficiently. Up-selling is one way salespeople grow their total sales. Salesforce lists six ways that technology has transformed the sales process.
1) The introduction of big data. This is no secret — as big data has transformed most industries. Taking in massive amounts of information about buying habits, prospective clients, product
specifications, etc. are all an inevitable aspect of the selling process in the 21st century.
2) The social platform explosion. Companies like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and SnapChat have all introduced incredible new opportunities for companies to attract new clients. Salesforce points out that, because of social media, companies are able to connect with millions with relative ease. Peer reviews have also been become a popular check for customers looking to adopt a new product/service.
3) The advent of automation. Salesforce has introduced a seamless process for companies to to execute various procedures/operations. A recent study showed that companies lacking automation spend nearly 71% of their resources figuring out ways to execute their processes.
4) Cloud-based technology. With respect to Customer Relationship Management, technology has probably been the most trans-formative. Companies have been able to integrate their marketing department, sales team, and customer support
all under one roof.
5) The smartphone and mobile technology. Many customers have advocated for entire CRM systems and other sales tools
to be delivered directly to their smartphones
and/or tablets. Much to their enjoyment, this has been largely achieved.
6) Salesforce refers to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) as being the final technological transformation. Companies have gotten away from supplying sales teams with company-bought technology. This also enables employees
to be more productive
considering it’s their own technology.
Technology has drastically changed the way people sell — just like it has in most other areas of our lives. It’s paramount to be adaptable both as customers and salesmen.
Great post. While sales is definitely a person-driven industry, it is important to remember that the numbers don’t lie. Even Addams talked about sales funnels and the numbers that go into that. Ultimately, there are only so many buyers and so many buyers that actually convert into sales. Being able to see trends and buying habits in salesforce is huge for the industry.
Great post, really shows how social media changed the sales game and the numbers that go into that. Big data allows companies to see trends and study those habits.