Before anyone dives into the world of sales, it is important for them to recognize the steps to crafting an effective sales pitch. Is the pitch supposed to be the sales person throwing information towards the customer, or is it supposed to be a collaborative conversation? These are questions that this post will answer.

In modern business settings, sales people who push information on their customers is not a valued salespeople. In these settings, customers often feel like they are being overfed information. This overload of information pushes them back on their heels. This causes them to turn against the salesperson and have a negative attitude towards them. An illustration of this can be seen in the game of baseball… When someone is pitching the ball towards the plate, what does the batter do? They either swing the bat in order to try to hit the ball, or they duck to avoid the pitch. This will prove to be an unsuccessful sales method for new salespeople.

It is necessary to know a large amount of information about the customer you are approaching. In the early stages of the sales pitch, this will allow for easy dialogue between you and your customer. The first step in successfully orchestrating a sales pitch is being able to converse with the customer. This will make the customer feel as if you care about their needs (which you should anyway), and will help you form a relationship with the customer.


By PlantsAB1

Business Management Major

3 thoughts on “How to be Effective When Pitching a Sale”
  1. This is a good outtake on how to approach a sales situation. I have definitely been in a sales situation where i have given the customer way too much information in a hope that it would make the sale. In more cases than not, they ducked out of the way of the pitch and do not buy the product. making sure that to are careful and considerate to their reactions during the pitch might just make or break the sale for you.

  2. It is true that overloading the client with information will turn them away. it is much more effective to have a conversation with them, to learn whether or not your product or service is a good fit for them.

  3. Great Blog Post! I believe that informative research on your customer and their background is key into executing a successful sales pitch. By having a person conversation with the consumer, there is opportunity to find out exactly what the consumer wants, rather than what you believe the consumer needs.

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