Jumping into your first sales role can be difficult. Sales is something that is tough to completely prepare yourself for. Some of the best training comes from simply jumping into a role and trying to learn and improve as you go. According to Monster.com, here are a few things to focus on when getting started at your first sales job.


Focus on making a difference vs. making a sale

It’s easy to get into the habit of explaining the product or service you’re selling. But a much better thing to promote is the difference that you make for the customer. A customer will not buy something unless it’s going to make a difference in their lives or their company.


Tap others’ wisdom

Even though you may be new to the role, there are probably plenty of people around you who can offer advice. Find a mentor. Find someone who can show you the ropes, answer questions, and encourage you. There’s a lot of rejection in sales, and it’s helpful to have someone to lean on who’s been through the fire.


Sell yourself on your own product/service

If you don’t believe in what you’re selling, your sales job will be a long lonely road. Take time to really evaluate the product/service you’re selling and make sure that you believe in it. If you believe in what you’re selling it goes a long way in building trust with your customer and helping them to see the viability of your product/service.

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