A sales job has many challenges, but one of the biggest is having to receive and handle rejection as a salesperson. It can be very easy to get down on yourself when you get rejected or turned down from something. In this blog post I am going to share a few strategies on how to accept rejection and how you can learn from it.

The first way is to acknowledge the emotions that you are having after being rejected, it is important to keep things in perspective while doing this. Whatever product you are selling should not be your identity and the rejection should not be taken personally.

The second way is to take it as a learning experience. If you are able to take a step back at the end of the process and ask, “How could i have done that differently?” Asking questions like this can be very beneficial because you can take when you might have done wrong and change it for the next time.

The third way is keep your mindset positive. Rejection is a hard thing and a lot of times people take it as discouragement, but if you are able to look at it with a positive mindset, it can be very beneficial. Rejection is a temporary thing and it does not define who you are, if you focus on the future and what successes that are yet to come it will be beneficial in dealing with rejection.

These are just a few ideas to help a person deal with rejection. Being a salesperson is hard, and you are going to get knocked down, but it is important that you get back up again and become better from the struggle.

3 thoughts on “How to Handle Rejection- Blog Post 1”
  1. Very insightful Cayden, I like how you started by acknowledging people’s emotions. This is particularly impactful to me because dealing with rejection is harder than it seems. That was a very well-written bog post good job.

  2. Cool post! Being comfortable with rejection is a massive aspect in being successful in sales and other life aspects. Adapting that comfortability comes with discipline and experience. Those who master rejection are those who become proficient and dealing with adversity and continuing to move forward while taking that adversity as learning experience!

  3. I really like how you talk about keeping a positive mindset. I feel like hearing rejection from others can be harder to hear than rejection from your own doubt. Keeping a good mindset through setbacks makes the next sale that much easier. Being okay with rejection isn’t just important in sales but in all of life. As an athlete having to deal with rejection is the majority of sports. Getting over it can lead to some really good things

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