Many people struggle with being good salespeople for their jobs and have issues knowing how to converse with whoever they are selling to. This can be an issue for introverts to need to talk more or for extraverts learning to talk less. These can be huge issues that can lead to loss of sales on a regular basis however this can be fixed.

People can work on these issues everyday with their friends and people they see on a regular basis. Everyday when salespeople live their lives they can take advantage of those around them and practice the issues they suffer from on sales calls. This allow them to try out new techniques or new concepts to see how someone will respond. It allows them to watch body language and see how bodies tell secrets about how a person is feeling. Such as when someone places their feet a certain way what does it mean. When someone crosses their arms how does this affect what someone thinks about them. These are small pieces we can learn before going out on that next sales call.

We can learn to talk more or to talk  less depending on what we need to learn. Most people can grow just by socializing with the people they are closest to in life. They can try these ideas out on the street just with random people to see how a stranger reacts to different strategies and how they eel. One can watch their body language and so much more. This is how people can grow as salespeople without selling.


3 thoughts on “How to practice sales everyday”
  1. Hey, Logan! Practicing sales every day is a good habit to adopt. Sales is useful in every industry and in life, so the more practice, the better! You made some good points about body language. It reminds me of what Dan Sandler mentioned in class a couple of days ago: closed arms denote defensiveness, willingness to shake hands denotes welcoming.

  2. I think that you raise a great point about allowing yourself to be trained by socializing. After all, a sales conversation is a conversation so it requires many of the same skills as carrying on a casual conversation with friends does. I used to be quite shy and avoided interacting with anyone I didn’t know. After observing one of my friends meet many fascinating people I realized that this was a skill I wanted to develop. I deliberately practiced the necessary social skills and observed skilled conversationalists in my everyday life. Over the next few years I began to realize the benefits of this valuable skillset and enjoyed all of the enriching conversations I have had as a result.

  3. I like the idea of using what we learned every day in different ways. I think that too many people think that sales is just a career path and never think to use sales techniques in everyday life. That is one thing I loved about this class.

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