How to refine your elevator pitch

For any young, aspiring entrepreneur the elevator pitch is VITALLY important. An elevator pitch is concise, explanation of your idea, or startup that gives a clear picture of what you do and creates a sense of curiosity in the hearer to what know more.

Here are keys to writing the perfect elevator pitch: 7 Key Components of an Elevator Pitch

I want to share with you my favorite way to refine your elevator pitch: sharing it with friends. When I say friend I mean a REAL friend. Give them your pitch and ask them questions about your pitch such as:

  1. how easy was it to understand the idea?
  2. what was confusing, unclear?
  3. Any suggestions of how I could explain it better?

A real friend is the key. You do NOT want someone who will tell you how great of a job you did or how great your idea is, but something much  MUCH more. A real friend is someone who is honest, and genuinely interested in helping you succeed.

Through utilizing the ideas of all of your REAL friends, your elevator pitch will be refined and clear when shared in the future.


4 thoughts on “How to refine your elevator pitch”
  1. I love how you took the complexity of a sales pitch and wanted to make sure that you brought it back to the basics. If the person you are pitching to cannot understand you or what you are saying, then they will not invest in you or your business. making sure you have the basics are a necessity.

  2. Good point about making sure the person is a true friend. You definitely want honest feedback on something like this, not somone who will tell you it is the best thing in the world, just to make you happy.

  3. These tips are surely a good way to achieve a fantastic elevator pitch! Your stated questions are ones that should not be overlooked. If you overlook those questions, you may not be so effective when elevator pitching! Great post.

  4. These are some great tips but I do think reviewing your pitch with other salespeople so you can cover the necessities. Just having your friends review it will not be enough because they will not know if the pitch has all the needed components. Communicating with salespeople will also allow you to learn from their experience to create the best pitch possible.

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