The Sales Funnel: Awareness 

This is the very first stage of the sales funnel. During the awareness stage, the prospect will learn about what you have to offer. This is typically due to him first becoming aware of a problem he has, leading him to search for a solution. This stage exposes you, as a business, to the largest amount of people you will encounter in the entirety of the sales process. In most cases, the prospect will hear of our find your company through a Google search, an ad, word of mouth, or a post shared on social media.

Understanding this, it is vital that your company invests a fair amount of time and effort into this stage, especially in the early stages of being in business or introducing a new product or service. You would be wasting your time and money if you thought everyone made the perfect sales prospect, so by “widening the net” in the first stage of your sales funnel, your company will be able to capture the attention of a greater number of prospects that are a good fit.

After you have made a fair amount of sales, study how effective your ads or social media posts were. Which demographic was most likely to result in a sale?  What were their interests, where do they live, what is their age?

Congratulations, you’ve found your target audience.

Using this information, you will be able to boost your conversion rate, while lowering your advertising costs at the same time by concentrating your advertising efforts on a more focused demographic.

Google Analytics and Facebook’s Pixel are fantastic tools for measuring ad effectiveness through their perspective advertising services


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