When you are in a sales conversation, how can you make it more interesting for the buyer and the seller? Would you want the seller to be very dry and just present facts to you? Or would someone who can tell a good story about the product and really show how it is helpful be a better conversation point? In this blog post, I will outline the latter of those three questions, I am going to summarize how to tell a compelling story in a sales conversation.

As human beings, we are sort of wired to respond well to stories. They help us to make sense of the world around us, they are often tangible situations that are very relatable. Stories have the ability to bring out emotions, which is crucial in sales. Emotions cause people to take action and telling a story in a sales conversation can bring out some emotions that inspire someone to take action. Not only do stories evoke emotions, they can also help a customer to connect with your product on a more personal level that causes them to really see how it can help a pain that they are having.

In order to craft a compelling story, you must start with knowing your audience. Next, you should use vivid imagery to cause someone to really visualize what is happening in your story. Make sure that you are keeping it simple and easy to follow. Show how your product works and how it can change their lives. Use contrasting opinions to really highlight the benefits of your product or service. The end of your story should include a call to action. There should be something that makes the buyer want to do something about what they just heard. A compelling story could be the difference in your next sales conversation!

3 thoughts on “How to tell a compelling story in sales”
  1. People usually underestimate how powerful stories are, but this is a perfect example why. You’re right about the fact that they help us see what an otherwise intangible benefit. As primarily visual creatures, having a well-told story with vivid imagery can go a lot farther than spreadsheets when it comes to convincing someone. More people should definitely work story into their sales.

  2. Stories have always been a powerful way of telling and communicating with people throughout the course of human history. As human we don’t just want to know the facts, otherwise we would just forget about it. With stories we add context to these facts and as a result remember them a lot better.

  3. Stories are a great way to communicate to the buyer in sales. Knowing your audience and playing to that is key. Your thoughts on this are very useful to any aspect of life and selling.

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