Running your own business is a lot of work. You are CONSTANTLY selling, I mean like everyday selling. You sell through emails, texts, phone calls, face to face and social media. It never ends. I am a hardcore introvert; if you throw me into a room full of strangers I will hide in a corner until someone engages with me. So, me selling…is low-key a disaster. I am not a fan of salespeople, let alone me having to sell my business to someone. I really am pushed out of my comfort zone.

            What is so ironic is that introverts tend to be better salespeople. Extroverts are not bad by any means, but extroverts usually are super energetic, and I just can’t get on that level of energy. Introverts are better at reading body language and are more conscience of things the person does. Thinking things like “okay this person is in a very defensive stance, I am going to back away”, or “this person is answering these questions super laconic”. Introverts tend to be better at starting discussion because we take it from a different angle. I think introverts are a little better at putting themselves in the buyer’s shoes instead of ”how can I be the best salesperson”. It was fascinating in class to learn that extroverts are usually natural salespeople.

             I will admit that at first, I was SUPER awkward and shy selling. I did not know where to be a good pushy and then at time I was just a doormat. Which this is a common problem introverts run into is being too shy to initiate and too timid to close. People tend to associate introverts with terrible selling skills but that is just not the case. Introverts are better at listening and I found that it is easy and comfortable for me to sit and listen and ask good open-ended questions. Not everyone is going to love what you sell, or you sell. I have gotten a tremendous amount of no’s but staying on a leveled playing field is big. Not fighting for power and focusing on the struggles of the buyer.

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