If I sold dish ware, here are 10 potential questions I would suggest asking to get to know customers and their needs. You can’t have a script when talking to clients, but it’s smart to have a few questions ready!

Sales, Dishes

  1. Hello! Are you here hoping to make a purchase or get a grasp on options?
  2. Who are you buying for?
    1. Themselves or for a gift?
  3. How many people live with you?
    1. How many sets might they need?
  4. How often do you entertain?
  5. What are you using now?
  6. What inspired your search?
  7. How would you describe the style of your home/ kitchen?
    1. Should they go for a unified set or mix & match?
  8. How long do you want to have your new set for?
  9. Is it important to you that you could add in to this in the future?
    1. Should they go for something trendy or a classic they could buy more of later?
  10. On a scale of 1-10, how important is price to you in this endeavor? Why didn’t you pick a lower number?
One thought on “If I Sold Dish Ware”
  1. I really like these series of questions. I think these would be good to put on a website or product listing. It may be hard selling a basic good like this to someone face to face. But with your other posts, they require fine tuning and personalization. With furniture and eye wear, people may need help to know what styles are in, what matches what, the sizes, the quality, etc. With landscaping, the customer has to talk to someone to get a quote. But with dish ware, this is a basic good that people can find the answers for themselves and might just look it up on the internet.

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