I’ve always felt like I have the perfect name to be a sales associate for Warby Parker… If this fantasy  ever comes true and I were to be selling eyeglasses, here are 10 potential questions I would suggest asking to get to know customers and their needs. You can’t have a script when talking to clients, but it’s smart to have a few questions ready!

  1. Hello! What has brought you shopping for new glasses? 
    1. It could be a new prescription, they’re looking for a new style, or something else!
  2. Tell me about your favorite pair previously?
  3. How would you describe your style?
  4. Do you have any formal or professional events coming up you’d be wearing these to?
  5. When do you wear your glasses?
    1. Sometimes, or always? Prescription sunglasses? Just reading or driving?
  6. How many pairs are you shopping for?
  7. How careful are you with your glasses?
    1. Maybe they should go for an anti-scratch coating?
  8. How many hours a day do you look at screens?
    1. Help determine if they need a blue light lens upgrade
  9. Have you experienced any issues with frames or lenses in the past? Tell me about that?
  10. Does anyone usually help you pick out clothing or glasses?


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