Throughout my life, I have had many dreams and plans for my life. For a long time I wanted to be a school teacher, then I wanted to be an interior designer, then a dental hygienist, and then I wanted to join the military. With every dream an aspiration there was one common factor; I wanted to get out of my home town, Grove City. Even though I did not know what I really wanted to do my junior year of high school, my parents still made me look at colleges. The two requirements I set when looking for schools was that they had to be Christian and they had to be in the south. I looked at Charleston Southern University, Covenant College, Anderson University, and Lee University. Halfway through my trip, I realized that I was comparing each school to Grove City College. If the school wasn’t exactly like Grove City College in every way but the location, it wasn’t good enough. It was then that I knew where I had to go if I decided to go to college. So how did GCC sell me on actually attending their school? It was not the calls they made to my house or the letters they sent to my door, but what Grove City College stands for, their campus, and the entrepreneurship program. So many “Christian” schools compromise their mission and what they stand for. Many Christian schools seemed to be very fake and I wanted a truly Christian education, where every subject can be related back to the Creator of all things. Grove City does an amazing job of keeping their core values and “selling” that to their prospective students. Also, I would not be attending college at all, (I would be in the Air Force right now) if Grove City did not offer the entrepreneurship major. That was a major selling factor for me. Ever since I began attending this school, Grove City has “sold” itself to me time and time again and I am definitely “sold” on GCC.

One thought on “I’m sold on GCC”
  1. This reminds me a lot of Blaine Hurst’s advice. He said that individuals and organizations should be authentic. I think that Grove City College does a great job of practicing the values that it promotes in writing. As a result, a lot of us are “sold” on our experiences here!

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