• Adding Value

A sales person does not need to know every aspect of sales to start selling, in fact many sales people will never know all the aspects of selling. It is probably a near impossibility to master every one of these aspects, it is about learning how you sell. But there is an aspect that every sales person will fail without having. If you do not know how to add value for your customer, you will fail. Each sales person should be able to show their value to a prospect in a 30 second pitch. The thing is, sometimes there is no value to be added. Not every prospect will be a fit for what you are selling. It is not always about knowing how to answer every question, it is about proving your value and getting to the questions from your prospect, that means that you have gotten their attention and peaked the thought that you may be able to add value for them.

  • Asking Questions

To be successful in sales you must ask questions. You do not want to drop fact after fact on your prospect. You may learn in the first 30 seconds of questioning that you are not going to be a fit for this prospect, and that is okay.  Features tell, benefits sell. You must identify your prospects pain and what they need. Do not be afraid to answer a question with a question. Ask the customer if you can come back to their question and continue to question them to get a deeper understanding of what they need. It is okay to ask about price!

  • Building Trust

It is a near impossibility to sell to someone if they do not trust you. Trust made up of having the ability to do something and having the intent to do it. You absolutely must follow through with the promises that you make to your prospects or clients. First off, it is just the right thing to do. If you are truthfully and something goes wrong, because something always goes wrong, then you just tell the customer the truth and while they may be unhappy with the result, they know that you did everything on your end and will continue to trust you. It is when you lie to your customers or prospects that you will run into trouble. You can forget or get caught up in your lies, and this will cause them not to trust you. No one is going to continue to buy from someone or give a second chance to someone that they do not trust, especially when there probably five other vendors out there that are willing to take the business from you.

One thought on “Important Aspects of Selling”
  1. The most important aspect I would say should be the building trust, as if there is no trust there can be no adding value or asking good pointed questions.

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