Image result for shia labeouf just

Here’s a list with short descriptions of qualities and habits you need to just do to be a high-quality salesperson.

  1. Be Passionate – just do it.

If you’re not passionate about what you’re selling, no one else is going to be. I’m sure you have encountered the salesperson that really doesn’t care about the hair straightener they’re selling in the middle of the mall and really just wants to waste twenty minutes of your life straightening your hair in hopes that you’ll buy said straightener. They’re not passionate, and you’re trying to run away from them before they sit you down in the chair. The best salespeople are the ones that are passionate about their product and about making a positive difference in their customer or client’s life.

2. Be Empathetic – just do it. 

empathy. noun. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. In order to nail this one, you’ve got to really listen to what your customer is saying, and listening doesn’t always come easy. Sometimes you’re so excited to tell someone about what you’re selling, but if you can’t relate to them and meet them where they’re at – you have lost the sale.

3. Be Well Prepared – just do it.

We have learned in class that the salesperson can no longer assume they know more than the customer. Odds are, the customer has done all the research and then some more. Know what you are talking about and have confidence in it.

4. Be Relationship Driven – just do it. 

Focus on the customer. Just because they are not in need of your product right now and it doesn’t fit their needs this second, doesn’t meet your product won’t be the perfect fit in a few months. Do not end a relationship with a client based on one “no” to your sales pitch. I am so much more inclined to buy from a trustworthy friend than venture into the unknown looking for a new company to buy from, and so is the average buyer. Hold on to those people and keep that network going.

5. Be an Ambivert (or at least try to just do it.)

We all may lean a little to the left or right of the introvert, extrovert scale, but Daniel Pink says the most successful salesperson is right in the middle. Extroverts are geared to respond. Introverts are geared to inspect. What if I told you, to be a good salesperson, you need to gear towards both responding and inspecting. Without one, there is a danger zone that will most likely not end in a sale. The good news is: we can all learn how to balance the scale and put ourselves in great positions to sell.


So what are you waiting for? Just do it.

Image result for shia labeouf just

2 thoughts on “In The Words of Shia LaBeouf: Just Do It.”
  1. I liked your tasteful inclusion of Shia LaBeouf pictures. Oh, and also what you had to say about the qualities of successful salespeople. Great motivational post overall!

  2. Love the Shia references. 🙂 I really resonate with the passionate tips. People can tell when I am passionate about something and they can really tell when I am not. That is an important thing to consider when looking at potential sales positions. If I cannot really get behind the company, their values, and their products, I will not be a good seller. Thanks for sharing!!

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