Because it is one of the best Disney-Pixar films ever created, you may already recognize this scene from the movie “Up”:

In this scene, young Russell isn’t trying to sell Carl any tangible product, but rather a service of Carl’s choice so that Russell can receive his last Wilderness Explorer badge. Right from the very beginning, Russell employs sales tactics that certainly do not promote trust or understanding between him and the prospect. Russell reads his very-much scripted spiel with the aim of getting Carl to let Russell help him. However, instead of asking questions and trying to get an understanding of what pain Carl is currently experiencing, Russell throws out suggestions of things that he can help Carl with. None of these things are pain-causing issues in Carl’s life, so Carl creatively comes up with a way to lose Russell. In the real world, I’m sure prospects have come up with equally as creative ways to lose pushy or tactless salespeople. Even though Russell clearly lost the “sale” and failed to initially seek out the pain that Carl is feeling, we know that ultimately he does find Carl’s need for companionship and compassion and is able make that sale.


2 thoughts on “Ineffective Sales Tactics in Disney’s “Up””
  1. This was a great application! I never really thought about this scene but it is applicable. You have to make sure you hone in on the prospects pain before you can offer them anything, otherwise you won’t get anywhere and they may get annoyed and try to shake you.

  2. Great connection to a Disney movie. I never really thought of this as an example of selling. It reminds me of the selling I used to do for school fundraisers. Door to door sales is some of the hardest, yet most rewarding selling.

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