Browse through any one of your social media feeds and within seconds you are likely to come across a product or service being promoted by an online influencer. The increasing prevalence of “influencer” based selling online is directly tied to how individuals in the Millennial an Gen-Z generations consume content and media. Younger generations are less prone to being swayed by traditional advertising and companies are beginning to see the impact that influencer endorsement can have on sales.  As traditional television continues its trend of declining relevance, online social media platforms are only just beginning to emerge. As smartphone usage in countries like China and India continue to rapidly increase, the importance of adaptation in selling cannot be understated. Furthermore, the emergence of E-commerce over the past decade has mitigated the importance of in-person selling. If companies wish to succeed in the coming times, they most utilize a mix of both online selling and influencer promotion.

3 thoughts on “Influencers and Selling”
  1. With the prevalence of social media, it will be interesting to see how sales might evolve once again. We might be studying three iterations of sales in the future, not just the traditional type and the modern type that Pink talks about.

  2. Great insight. I believe that social media influencers are extremely important in the digital age. Everyone in life looks for role models, someone they can look up to or emulate because they are famous or do cool things. In this day and age this is a very effective technique to gain a following for your company .

  3. Great post! It’s so true that online selling has really started to look different with the rise of “influencers”. It will be interesting to see how more traditional companies will need to adapt to the newer methods of selling.

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