Back home, a mentor and good family friend of mine has his own development company, as well as a private real estate company. He has shown me the importance of having a presence in the local community that you serve with your business. He continues to sponsor uplifting events, while even giving help to those in need.

A specific example, was giving housing to a single mother for a far greater price than he could have. Giving grace and continuing to help with payments until the mother was in a greater financial position.

That does not do his work in the community justice by any means, but he has truly shown what it looks like to make an impact on the local community and do real estate and construction in a way that emulates christ’s love. This mission because of how genuine it is also helps tremendously in his sales. People know they can trust him.


4 thoughts on “Integrating the community into Business”
  1. That was really nice of him to give housing to a single mother. It is neat to see that the concept of trust that we were learning about in class is being seen happening in the real world.

  2. This is very cool! I would love to hear more about what his business is like and the culture he creates in it! It sounds like he is a man of integrity and compassion. Super refreshing to hear about!

  3. What an amazing thing to do for someone! Not only is this a selfless act of charity, but I’m sure helping that woman skyrocketed his reputation locally, leading to more sales.

  4. It ultimately comes down to your motivation as a person. Is it “nothing personal; just business” or “love your neighbor as yourself”

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