In the bible, we are instructed to act as individuals with integrity. Proverbs 10:9 says, “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.” This verse indicates how everything that we do in life, including our work, should be done with integrity. As a salesperson, you should always go about your work with integrity. A definition of integrity that has always stuck with me is, “doing what you said you were going to do, far after the state that you said it in has past.” In terms of sales, the salesperson most likely entered the selling field with a desire to do meet their customers needs above their own. This desire has a possibility to crumble when quotas, money, and circumstantial situations arise. The salesperson of integrity will keep the promise to themselves to meet their customers needs above their own when times get hard.

Another way integrity comes into play is the salespersons relationship with the customer. Integrity sometimes means being truthful with news that the prospect may not want to hear. This could be revealed in rejecting potential business because you do not believe it is the right fit for the customer. This shows that you would rather have the customers ultimate needs met, even if it is not you who serves them best.

It is critical that salespeople keep integrity in their selling. Without integrity, their work will be in vain. Selling with integrity is critical for maintaining the satisfaction of customers, keeping a long term relationship with the customer, and doing meaningful, fruitful work.


6 thoughts on “Integrity in Sales – Blog Post #10”
  1. Great post Nick! I like how you emphasize the importance of integrity in every aspect of life, especially in sales. Your commitment to doing what’s right even when faced with challenges is truly inspiring.

  2. I like how you opened with the Bible and showed how God calls us to be people of integrity. You did a great job showing how integrity is important in building trust with prospects. Good job!

  3. Nick I really love this post! Sales is an amazing opportunity to grow as a person and growing as a person means having the integrity to do what’s best despite what may happen good or bad. I like how you quoted the Bible because in the Word of God we can use it in our day to day lives, especially in sales. It does say that whoever causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for them to have a noose around their neck and be drowned to the bottom of the sea. A lot of salespeople could care less about the needs of their customers and more about what they can get out of the person. It is rare to see people actually go out of their way to do what’s best for those we may be trying to sell to.

  4. This post is great! Acting with integrity in sales is the only way Christians should go about sales. Without integrity, we aren’t acting in God’s image. Being truthful to your customers is also as important as telling them the truth even when they don’t want to hear it as you mentioned. This was a great post well done!

  5. I wholeheartedly agree! In today’s competitive market, a commitment to integrity can set a business apart. Consumers are increasingly seeking out companies that not only meet their needs but also align with their values. A sales strategy rooted in integrity not only builds loyalty among existing customers but can also attract new clients who prioritize ethical considerations in deciding who to work with and buy from.

  6. Nick, well done on this blog post. I really liked the way you tied in something from scripture. I think there is a major stigma around salespeople of them not having integrity and not being reliable. I agree with you, salespeople must have integrity through all aspects of their work. I think as Christians we have an opportunity to turn the tide on that stigma and change the sales game for the better.

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