Sales is often thought of as an external practice (B 2 B or B 2 C), but it doesn’t have to be. In face there are plenty of ways that sales can help someone who is a solely internal employee or company leader. Here are a few ways that you can use sales techniques within a company.

  1. Selling yourself

Earlier this year, I wrote a post on how to effectively sell yourself. This applies within a company as well. Ask for a raise, get to know your co-workers, ask great questions and tell great stories from within your role. I think you will be surprised by how selling yourself to those who are not directly buying from you can improve career opportunities.

  1. Selling your work

As an effective and competent worker, you can provide great value to your co-workers and company but improving the way you complete that work. By working on better time management and other self-improvement tactics your work will improve and be recognized. This results in completing.

  1. You’re always selling something

Even in a non-sales environment, you are always selling something. Every interaction that we have others in which we are attempting to move them in a certain direction can be defined as non-sales selling. The techniques that we learned in this class are just as effective in that scenario than in actual sales conversations. Even as a student we are selling our homework, papers and projects to our teachers. We are selling organizations and clubs to other students. We are even preparing to sell ourselves to potential future employees.

One thought on “Internal Selling”
  1. This is an interesting take on selling. I know this class has really expanded my view on what selling is and how it applies to every day life. Thanks for sharing!

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