In all of the rules and concepts that we have covered in this course, my favorites are always the ones that put the overall relationship above the sale.

Core Concept #6 from The Sandler Rules is one of those concepts that focuses on maintaining the relationships with the prospect, rather than closing the sale and making money. “Don’t Buy Back Tomorrow the Product or Service You Sold Today” seems like a close-the-deal type of strategy, but instead it slows down the sales process and makes it more thorough.

Sandler recommends asking if there is any reason that the client may consider backing out of the sale before the contract is signed. There are 3 reasons to do this:

  1. It enhances your credibility.
  2. The customer has the chance to reconfirm their choice.
  3. You can address any doubts face to face.

Forcing someone into a quick sale just to make sure they don’t back out could affect the long-term relationship. Even if they do back out, they respect you strategy and may be more likely to come back to you if their circumstances change or doubts subside.

Addressing doubts face to face is also more effective than doing so over the phone. You can explain things more clearly and answer any follow up questions while looking someone in the eye, giving them more confidence in you and your products.

It may seem counterintuitive to give someone an out, but more often than not, doing so will ensure that the deal is set in stone even before the contract is signed.

One thought on “Is That Your Final Answer?”
  1. This reminds me of when we talked about rating pain on a scale of 1-10 in class. The prospect would rate their pain, but the salesman would come back and ask why it hadn’t been lower. I also liked the idea of addressing concerns face-to-face than over the phone because of the sincerity face-to-face can deliver and the credibility that follows.

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