A frequent problem that I have faced when it came to selling basically anything was trying to show the customer or client why they needed the product. Then; after just one class in sales and looking up ‘How to be successful at sales’ I found a key point.

It’s not about me.

Mark Cuban, one of the most famous entrepreneurs more recently known as a Shark on Shark Tank, says “Don’t sell your product. Solve their problems.” This does not mean you should know nothing about your product. In today’s generation, with everybody being able to find information at their fingertips, we all should have a sufficient amount of knowledge.

When it comes to selling though, while you will be a library full of content about the product you have, you need to wait. Wait and listen. Once you listen to what your customer is looking for, figure out if the product you have to sell is actually what they are looking for. Sometimes; it is better to come to the conclusion that the product is not meant for the customer. But; if it is what the customer is looking for to “solve their problem”, then suggest a solution, aka your product.

One thought on “It’s Not About Me.”
  1. This is something I didn’t know either and anytime I attempted to sell anything I thought it was all about the product. Make it sound like its the best thing in the world to your customer until they feel the same way is the go to method of what I thought selling was. After hearing what coach Andrew said it is so much better selling by just getting to know the person first and asking questions it amazes me now what makes an OK seller from a great seller.

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