In class, we have talked about the second essential quality in moving others and that being buoyancy. Being buoyant is having the ability to bounce back from a rejection and continue to keep your head above water amidst all the rejections you’ll receive in sales.

The Climb is a song sang by Miley Cyrus that sings “there’s always gonna be another mountain, I’m always gonna wanna make it move, always gonna be an uphill battle, sometimes I’m gonna have to lose…” Although I’m sure Miley wasn’t thinking of sales when she wrote these powerful lyrics, the journey of a salesman can definitely empathize with these lyrics as they experience rejection after rejection.

Now these lyrics can relate to getting no after no after no from prospects or it can be the mental battle that you may fight before every cold call. Over the summer, the first day I decided to get out on the road by myself, I drove to the first business and sat in the parking lot for 5 minutes before walking in. Getting out of the car might be some salesman’s “climb” as it was mine last summer. In the end, I got out of the car and walked in that business, conquering my fears, which enabled the next cold call to be a little easier.

To conclude, there is hope for the salesman. With prospecting being a necessary part of the sales process, it is completely a numbers game. You will receive rejections, but the more and more you call on prospects, you will eventually strike gold. Persistence is crucial in this phase and with time and learning from each individual sales call, you can be successful. Just as climbing a mountain, you will reach the top of the mountain or wherever the destination may be and reap the reward of the hard work put into the process. The same applies in sales because consistency with continuous improvement can only lead to a very happy salesman, who can then look back on his efforts and be proud of how he got to where he is today.

One thought on “It’s The Climb… not pertaining to Miley Cyrus”
  1. Sales is all about relationships, and in relationships, there’s always going to be some form of rejection. It’s important to stay positive!

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