Redemptive Entrepreneurship is the only way to do business. As Christians, the Gospel should transform every single aspect of our lives, and that does not exclude what we do for a living. Business is a beautiful platform for sharing the Gospel and having a redemptive impact on the kingdom of God and community that we live in and exist in.

At Praxis Academy, Jon and others work to help facilitate redemptive entrepreneurship. I will have the pleasure of attending in the summer of 2018 and am excited to learn more about how, I can be a leader of redemptive entrepreneurship on this earth for the glory of our Father.

2 thoughts on “Jon Hart”
  1. I love what Praxis is doing in regards to challenging businesses to think harder about what their end goals are and the lives that they touch along the way. It was really cool having them come and speak to us at the college. I hope that anything I start someday will positively impact anyone it influences.

  2. The challenging component of what Jon talked about was the tension between brokenness and beauty. Every day we can make the decision of whether or not we will side with brokenness or beauty. Such institutions like Praxis prepare us to face that tension and choose beauty every time.

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