Image result for shia labeouf sad

If you didn’t read my previous post about things you should “just do,” you probably won’t understand the photo pasted above.

This is Shia LaBeouf making his second appearance on my blog. This time, however, he’s sad. He’s sad because we are talking about qualities and habits you just don’t have if you’re trying to be a high-quality salesperson. See below for a list of things you… well, just don’t do.

  1. Being Pushy – just don’t.
  • Salesperson: “hi, can I help you find anything today?”
  • Me: “no, thank you! just looking around.”
  • Salesperson: “well would you like me to put some of our new makeup products on you to show you how they are?”
  • Me: “no, thanks.”
  • Salesperson: “oh, okay! What about our new line of perfumes, I am sure you would love them.”
  • Me: rolls eyes, leaves store.

The situation above hasn’t actually happened to me, but plenty of others like it have. This one is simple – yet it seems that no one understands. Don’t be pushy. If I say I am not interested after you’ve asked me a billion and a half questions, I probably just need a minute to breathe because you’re stressing me out. Just don’t be pushy.

2. Always Talk – just don’t.

Everyone appreciates a good conversation, but the definition of a conversation is not “the salesperson talks the whole time and never asks me a question or listens to anything I have to say.” If you just take the time to listen to the customer, I can guarantee your conversation will go better and may actually end in a sale. If you realize you’re talking the whole time – just don’t.

3. Lying – just don’t.

In Entrepreneurial Ethics, the most important phrase you learn is: don’t lie and don’t steal. Plus, the Bible says you shouldn’t lie. I think this one is pretty self-explanatory. Just don’t.

4. Being Greedy – just don’t.

Another Bible verse could be inserted < here >. It can usually easily be detected when a salesperson is not really interested in what their customer wants or needs because all they’re focused on is the money. $$$$. You’ll end up with unhappy customers and no money anyway.

5. Being Annoying – just don’t.

Straightforward and to the point. No one likes to be annoyed, so why even attempt this failing technique?


Next time you’re selling, and you find yourself doing any of these things – just don’t.

5 thoughts on “Just Don’t.”
  1. I really like this list – short, easy to understand, memorable. My favorite is definitely “Don’t Lie” with the little mention of Professor Howley’s commandment of “Don’t Lie, Don’t Steal.” We talked in Sales about lying and how it is inevitable in business, I am interested to hear what Sweet has to say about avoiding it/doing the best with what you have. Thanks for sharing!

  2. These are definitely all solid points. As a salesmen it is essential to be customer oriented and to have the ability to empathize rather then always focused on money and selling your product. Prospects and customers are who you need to connect with, not that giant sale you have always been dreaming of having.

  3. More Shia LaBeouf is always a plus for making a point, so I guess I’d say I’m sold! Another memorable list of qualities to avoid – I would argue that it applies to not just good salespeople, but everyone in general.

  4. Don’t lie would definitely be number one for me. It’s SO easy to back yourself into a corner in a conversation when lying, being greedy would be second.

  5. I liked that you pointed out that most customers can see when you are not being genuine. Authenticity is a huge factor for me when I am making a big purchase. If I feel like someone is leaving out details to get me to buy or they seem like the only see a $ when looking at me, I immediately close off and refuse to buy. Sometimes, when I have had a bad experience with someone, I will intentionally choose another option that might even be less convenient to avoid rewarding bad behavior.

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