Like most things it is important when you are selling something that you truly understand the product that you are selling. You should be able to engage and interact with a potential customer when you are selling a product or service. Most individuals will be able to see through a sales individual who truly does not understand what they are selling. The ability to engage and answer questions on the fly demonstrates to a customer that you as a seller, are not just trying to make a quick buck.

For example, in the past when I have sold my landscaping service it is very beneficial to do prior research on what is involved. How long that customer is expected for the set service or product to last, the manner in which it will be completed, and usually the most important being how much will it cost. If you truly understand and respect your product then this will make the sales process significantly easier.


One thought on “Know Your Product”
  1. Drake, well done on this post, I enjoyed reading it. I agree with you, knowing your product can be super helpful when you are engaging with a customer. If you are really able to break down their situation and apply your product to it, that can be very beneficial.

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