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Sales is not a simple game of rambling on about a pitch and what makes your product so great, it’s a reflection of the complicated dynamics of human relationships. Most people are intimidated by sales people, and try to avoid them at all costs. Especially in a time of social media, people are more wary of direct confrontation now more than ever. A Sales person needs to know how to adapt with the times and communicate with the customer in the most effective way possible. Surprisingly, sometimes that requires less communication. When trying to sell, it’s important to not come off as the typical salesperson who will talk the person’s ear off. It’s better to talk in a way that establishes yourself apart from the conception of sales that your customer has in his or her mind. If you are doing more talking than listening, it is highly likely that you already lost your customer. Everyone has that annoying friend who only talks about his or herself and won’t pay any attention to your needs. Don’t be that person when making a sales pitch. Banter back and forth, ask questions, and figure out what your customer needs rather than what you have. If you do this, you will have more success as a sales person in the future!

2 thoughts on “Knowing when to “Shut Up””
  1. Learning to listen in sales is important now more than ever. The comment you made about social media changing the way people interact is very true. Especially the younger generations seem very wary of direct confrontation. Adapting to this through asking questions and listening more than you speak is a key way to get to know your customer and their true need. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Ah yes, the art of shutting up. I appreciate your brevity and simple attack on this concept. The nod to The Office is also ~on point~ with your topic. Never don’t add bits from The Office to your blogs.

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