Last semester, for Entrepreneurial Mind, our class was required to take the Kolbe Index test. I’ll be honest, at first, it seemed like a glorified personality test and nothing more than that. It wasn’t until after a speaker came to the next class and was able to really delve into how our score was computed that I understood the importance of it, especially whenever I make purchases.

My score on the Kolbe Index is 7544, with the “7” meaning that I need specification on everything, so that means I will tend to establish priorities and research in-depth on a subject, which I can definitely see in certain situations. Typically, before making a big purchase (such as a new camera body or lens), I will watch videos upon videos and read articles upon articles on the items I am interested in. I’ll read up on spec sheets for the items I am considering, as well as watch comparison and hands-on reviews. I really take my time understanding the potential items I will purchase and ensure that they will cover all of my needs, as well as any I will have in the future as I expand my skills and craft.

By pewjj19

3 thoughts on “Kolbe Index and Sales Purchases”
  1. This is really good insight from a customer point of view. I did not get those numbers for the Kolbe A Index so this piece opened my eyes to the mindset of someone who could be a potential buyer in my future.

  2. I love the Kolbe A Index. I am a 6573, and one of the other applications is in comparisons for teams we work in. There is an A to A Comparison Report that helps both people understand how the other works, and identifies areas of combined strength and weaknesses.

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