When people think about sales, they usually think about the “boots on the ground” approach of certain salespeople that are constantly out there grinding to try and chase leads and close a sale. However, an idea that many don’t think about is the support structure behind the salesperson, and that is the sales manager/director. The people in these positions are instrumental in building up the sales team and providing solid leadership for their teammates to operate under.

Set the vision

Leaders need to not only seek out talent on a team, but also need to set the vision and goals to get the representatives to fully operate. Along with this, they also need to optimize the talents of their team members to fully accomplish their goals.

Offer Opportunities

Team members need to be able to fully participate and “flex” their abilities. Having members wrapped up in strict job descriptions doing mundane tasks kills creativity and drive, which are imperative for a member of any sales team to have.

Keep the Team in Mind

Everything should be done with a team-focused attitude, not individuals. Leaders need to promote a culture that encourages thinking and consideration outside of oneself.

In short, leadership in sales is an area that really needs to be focused on and encouraged to spur growth within a sales environment.

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