Paul Harvey, author of the book Selling, discussed some important lessons to help someone become a better salesperson. Being a good salesperson is about putting yourself out there and being someone the customer can trust.

In his post, he asked the question “If everyone is a salesperson at heart, then we must all have the same approach, right?” I don’t believe that everyone has the same approach. There are many factors that changed everyone’s approach such as goals and knowledge of the product or service you are selling. I think if you truly believe in the product or service, you will have a better sales approach for your customers.

In my opinion, the best salespeople are the ones who have great knowledge of the product or service and believe in it. The ones who believe in the product are the ones that are confident when they sell and seem the most trustworthy. As a salesperson, you want to win the customer’s trust and not sound like pushy salesperson. Harvey explains different lessons to follow to become an expert salesperson.

  • Don’t think like a salesperson

Many salespeople try to find a way to pitch the product or service they’re selling, making the customer less interested. Don’t be that person and instead, find a way to casually bring up the product or service in a non-chalant way.

  • Know when to walk away

If your customer does not seem interested or does not face any challenges where they need the product you’re selling, it will most likely not result in a sale. Instead, walk away and go find other potential customers who seem interested.

  • Never need a sale

No matter what situation you’re in, whether you’re selling for fun or as a source of income, your customer should never know. You want to be a salesman who is humble and not overly confident. If you’re overly confident, the customer will have a better reason to not buy the product. If you’re humble and believe in the product, the customer will feel inclined to listen to your pitch and consider buying the product.

  • Remember the 15-percent rule

“Salespeople should never talk for more than 15 percent of a meeting”. Harvey said that asking questions helps put you in control of a conversation, not talking the entire time. By asking questions, you’re making the customer be more involved in the conversation and mention the product you’re selling. Asking question will show the customer that you are a good listener and it can help you make a personal connection with them.

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